(+91) 72005 73981 / 72009 73981    cspsofttech@gmail.com

About Us

  • CSP SoftTech, it indicates the progression begins here for accomplishing real business outcomes that allow you to convert, and not just maintain, your functions. Our Solutions, sectors alternatives and freelancing carry you a level of confidence that no other opponent can coordinate.
  • What We Do CSP SoftTech describes styles and provides technology-enabled company alternatives that help International organizations win in a Smooth World. CSP SoftTech also provides a finish range of services by utilizing our sector and company skills and ideal alliances with major technological innovation suppliers
  • Our offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, web applications, independent testing and validation services, IT infrastructure services and business process outsourcing.
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To provide the best projects to students we, at CSP SoftTech, offer solutions for IEEE research papers, using hot technologies like Python pycharm, pyspark with apache spark tool, Hadoop in Big data with Weka, RapidMiner etc, R Programming, Java, DOT NET, Android, Oracle and PHP. Our projects are targeted towards Ph.d Research works, All Engineering Works and MCA students, who have the interest to learn these technologies, apart from shaping the best project for their final years of graduation. From the numerous testimonials of the students who were associated with us, you can very well confirm that we are the Samrat of Projects in India.